March 7, 2012

Chill | Find and Share Video Playlists

Chill is a website similar to Pinterest where you can search for videos grouped together by subject.  On the Chill website you can create an account with Facebook and then start creating folders of video to share with the world.  As a teacher this would be a great place for you to go looking for new video content to share with your students.  Currently Chill supports YouTube, Vimeo, VEVO and Hulu but I also found videos from the Huffington Post as well.  Take a look below for a screenshot of a search results page...

Now What?

The next time you are looking for some video for your classroom give Chill a shot.  This could also be a great place for you to start curating the web and collecting playlists of video that you want to share with your students for each unit.  I'm still wondering how they were able to secure the domain in the year 2012!?!

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